What Makes Good Story Material and What Does Not!

Good Material For stories

1. Relatable dead end job aka the struggles of customer service
2. Unexpected occurrence (cactus falls on car)
3. Leaping out of comfort zone ( living in an eccentric ladies living room navigating through her world)
4. Situation beyond your control (Craigslist lady with pesticide facials controls the situation)
5. Family footsteps following in ( or just discussing generational differences)

Not Good Material For Stories
1. Sitting on couch playing video games
2. Wining lottery (not relatable)
3. Story about working up to a 30 year assistant manager at Mitsubishi type job.

4. Smooth sailing lives (stories need conflict)
5. Inherited alot of money (unless you do interesting things with it)

Here is a book about meeting a lady on Craigslist and entering her world.

The Right Place! Trip to Donkey town!

Donkeytown makes me feel like I am in the right place

Never in my wildest imagination did I think I would be in a place where donkeys roam the streets.

Suddenly, my girlfriend, her son and myself found ourselves in a town where donkeys roam free. They have no owner. Some were in the middle of the street just walking around. We saw a group of them in a parking lot of a church and went over and got to pet them. They were wild and tame at the same time.

Aren’t there moments in your life you realize the move was a good thing. Despite challenges and disappointments, it felt like I am in the right place. A boat ride and a trip on a raft and learning dialysis.

The trip to donkey town was worth it.