Like A Clueless Dog In The Middle of A Street

There are moments when we are cluelsess. We don’t know why something happened.

Or we just accept the way things are.

We settle for things we shouldn’t settle for.

We try to become happy with our situation until we realize there is something better.

My friend and I decided to give up most of our stuff and live in a hypochondriacs living room.

This became the story of our lives.

We lived a bare minimum lifestyle to achieve maximum creativity.

Different Initiative Ghost and Coast Rider

Sometimes being behind the scenes and other times riding the waves of adversity.

Sometimes relinquishing control and trusting in the experience.

Life is a roller coaster ride in different directions and various speeds. The unpredicatbility and feeling at any moment it could go off the rails!

Other times staying in the shadows. Navigating throught the Discomfort Zone!

In Go Bare Maximum, Muller and I were living a bare minimum lifestyle to achieve maximum creative potential.

Staying commited to our collective purpose while navigating through Carrie Kipling’s world wasn’t easy.

But we realized if we could survive it, it would become the story of our lifetime.