So Many Situations Require Hydroplaning Mode!

There are challenges in most situations that require gliding through the flood of overwhelming

Sometimes unexpected situations just show up that can veer right off the road if not managed and brought under control.

It reminds me of a roommate situation Braiden Muller and I living in a hypochondriacs living room. We were constantly dealing with chaotic situations and sketchy moocher characters skidding through and navigating challenging experience.

We watched self driving cars starting and stopping driving sliw then speeding up and losing slight control.

Much of our situation was an auto pilot relinquishing control and trusting in an experience.

Before Squatting Try Phrogging?

Some vagrants are living in someone else’s walls or attic

I guess if f you have no place to go.

Engage in Phrogging.

Enter the atiic or other crawlspace…

Hopping from one home to the next undetected

Squat only at last resort

Only kidding! Don’t live in someone else’s house without their knowledge..

No matter what your problems or addictions are..

Just had to mention this strange habitation concept.

Help out with your chosen place to inhabit!

Pull your own weight.

Some would say my friend and I Braiden were taking advantage of a situation.

We lived in the living room of a hypochondriac. We were living a bare minimum lifestyle to achieve maximum creative potential.

We lived cheaply in the front room to be able to save money. We didnt hide in the walls!

Bottom line is simple.

At least we paid to be there!

The Right To Live in Objective Reality!

Some are expecitng for us to live in everyone elses version of reality.

There is an objective reality that I prefer to reside in.

Promoting ideas only works in a collective society.

It is about others but using our work to benefit them.

How do others expect everyone else to cater reality entirely to their own peception.

Some of us dont expect to deal with someone elses delusion.