Character Building Identity and Other Reverse Word Orders

Character Building Identity can seem like  a double entendre when you look at it at first. It  is way of  building your personal character in terms of becoming the more authentic version of yourself . It also means building a character based off your own personality. Actually, there are many more ways to look at this it could be call it a siete entendre.

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There are several exercises that can help you on that path to self realization.. We will explore family background , influences, hobbies, work experiences among other categories.

Why do this? It can help stir your creativity,  and can be therapeutic in your life struggles, can be a form of empowering yourself, help you on a career path that fits your passion,  and  if you are artistic it can help you create a persona.

Break it down it can be thought of in different word orders.  This is known  as the concept Antimetabole.

Here are different versions:

Character Identity Building
This is  what I refer to as living in your own personal Authenticity-Integrity code. You are who you say you are. You know who you are and you project out there your true self.

This takes practice and introspection to discover your core.

Explore these five characteristics : Mindfulness, Integrity, Authenticity, Empathy, and Passion. Projecting these traits to others  can make you the most impactful version of yourself.

Not only will you Project your core you will project your most Charismatic Self…


Ask yourself a couple of questions:

How can you be more empathetic to others?

How do you focus on being mindful in every situation?

What are your values? Does your integrity lead you to be unpopular sometimes?

Are you the most Authentic version of yourself? If not than Redefine your goals. They can change from when you are young to growing older.

What are you most passionate about and do you project it on a regular basis?

Building Character Identity
This is where your personal self feels a sense of Empowerment. We Focuse on  self esteem. It is okay to be who you are and understand why you are passionate about the things you care about.

Don’t let failure consume you. Use it as a learning process.

Be proud of who you are and what you stand for. You are a unique person.

The world needs your light.

Be aware of negative thinking and the reasons behind it. They are just thoughts they have no value unless you give it to them.

Self worth is the most important thing .If we don’t believe it about ourselves who else will.  Write down your strengths and achievements.  Set some realistic challenges.

Your sense of Self awareness needs to increase. by understanding how those around you feel. How do others perceive you. Are you willing to listen to constructive criticism and become a more refined version of yourself.

Maslows road to self actualize. Hierarchy of needs basic, psychological and self fulfilling.

We want to self actualize. Sometimes we are stuck in categories of Safety and Physiological needs. We want to reach that level where we can concentrate on our true life goals.


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Building Identity Character
For those who are artistic you may have a day job that seems contradictory with a night time passion 2 Sides of Self. Are you living in a Paradox and expressing both sides. What part of yourself do you talk about openly? And what part of yourself do you hide? Imagine a Computer It person in the daytime. At night that person is a Flamingo dancer. Maybe they might not want to tell people their night time pursuits.


They don’t have to blatantly wear a tutu or leotards at work. They could put a couple of pictures of themself in the office Flamingo dancing.  They begin expressing openly that they are two different people in one. But doing it openly.

It is time to leverage your contradiction and even have it become your selling point.

Is there  a place where your two sides Converge.

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Identity Building Character
It can help begin Stirring your creativity.  Similar to Identity Character Building it can be the decision  to go in two different directions. Not with a specific character in mind but wanting to write under a different name.  If you write historical Non fiction and Children’s books you may decide to write under two different names to keep them separated.


Maybe your real name is to plain or too common. John Smith would  be a tough sell to publish under. Maybe your business is under your name and you want an author name to go in a different direction. Think Samuel Clemens and why he became Mark Twain.

Character Building Identity
Help you decide on a specific Career path self discovery. Are you living a dream or living for a  paycheck. There are exercises to discover where you are passionate at and where you are talented. Write down all of the things you like to do. What hobbies you like and or creative activities , sports or other recreational activities. Then ask yourself out of that list what could you do ten hours a day and not want to throw yourself out of a window. The list will narrow dramatically. This is where you should concentrate the most.

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Identity Character Building
This is where we spend time developing a character based off your own personality. One way is by creating an Alter ego. This can be your darker side or can an explore a different direction. What would you like to express about yourself.

Learn how to express both sides. It could be  a way to express the dark and the light.

Mirror to yourself . A reflection of all the things about yourself you are concerned about.

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So, there are many ways to Build your own Character… Maybe you don’t have a costume like this in your closet. Probably not unless you belong in Macbeth.

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